We developed the Earth Month Campaign for Cohere, a campaign that showcased their commitment to sustainability and innovation. It was not just a regular marketing strategy, but a Sustainability Moment that aligned with their vision and values. We timed it perfectly to launch in April 2024, the month when the world celebrates the environment and its protection. We wanted to create something that would make a lasting impact and inspire others to join the movement.
AI is the key to making a difference. Together with the Cohere and Strategy teams, we designed a positive and energetic campaign that highlights their Earth Day dedication to sustainability and how AI can help create a more eco-friendly and prosperous future.
HWe used two kinds of fonts in our design. The font without the little lines is strong, eye-catching, and urgent, while the font with the little lines is trustworthy. The colours we chose are based on the four main goals of sustainability, and each goal has its own colour. Our images show the real people who are making a difference, and our words are full of hope and energy, shining a light on the solutions that work.
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"Moonshots are overrated let's aim for Alpha Centauri"
Copyright 2024 Amirul H.